Distance from LimeCabanas: 10 km
By car: 20 minutes
By normal bus: 35 minutes
By bicycle: 1 hour
White tea factory in Handunugoda
World’s closest tea plantation to the sea
The city of Galle is the capital of the Southern Province and the third largest city in Sri Lanka.
Its history is connected with diverse foreign influences as Portuguese, Dutch and British conquered it.
There were also merchants here from China, Greece and especially Arabic countries.
The name of this tea estate is the Virgin White Tea Factory.
The way of tea plucking is taken over from the ancient Chinese Ritual where the best selection of tealeaves was cut by virgins for the Emperor.
White tea is very rich in anti-oxidants. With its 10 to 11 per cent, it is said to be the highest naturally occurring content of anti-oxidants in any beverage.