Distance from LimeCabanas: 5 km
By car: 5 minutes
By normal bus: 15 minutes
By express bus: 10 minutes
By bicycle: 20 minutes
By train 5: minutes
Stilt Fishermen in Koggala

Ancestor’s fishing method
Since time immemorial this way of fishing has been popular in Koggala.
The stilt is made of kaduru wood and the fishing rod of kithul tree. The thick vertical pole is fixed in the coral reef, while the horizontal short one is used as a seat for the fisherman. It requires a lot of balance to sit motionless on the bar for hours. One has to be very patient to catch any fish.
In Koggala these fishermen practice their skills in the village called Sinha Deevaragama.
The new generation of the village population, however, does not make their living out of fishing, as there are many opportunities for them in tourism, so this traditional way of fishing may cease to exist. You would still encounter men sitting on the stilts, but their purpose of doing so would be rather to pose for tourists than to catch a fish.
But watch out, without asking permission it is hard to take a picture. This permission was 500 rupees in 2016.